Saturday, February 11, 2012

Critical band

The appellation analytical band, alien by Harvey Fletcher in the 1940s, referred to the abundance bandwidth of the again about authentic audition filter.

Psychophysiologically, assault and audition acerbity sensations can be affiliated to the disability of the audition frequency-analysis apparatus to boldness inputs whose abundance aberration is abate than the analytical bandwidth and to the consistent aberrant "tickling"1 of the automated arrangement (basilar membrane) that resonates in acknowledgment to such inputs. Analytical bands are aswell carefully accompanying to audition appearance phenomena – bargain audibility of a complete arresting if in the attendance of a additional arresting of college acuteness and aural the aforementioned analytical band. Appearance phenomena accept advanced implications, alignment from a circuitous accord amid loudness (perceptual anatomy of reference) and acuteness (physical anatomy of reference) to complete compression algorithms.

Auditory filters

Filters are acclimated in abounding aspects of audiology and psychoacoustics including the borderline audition system. A clarify is a accessory that boosts assertive frequencies and attenuates others. In particular, a band-pass clarify allows a ambit of frequencies aural the bandwidth to canyon through while endlessly those alfresco the absolute frequencies.2

A Band-pass clarify assuming the centre frequency(Fc), the lower(Fl) and upper(Fu) cut off frequencies and the bandwidth. The top and lower absolute frequencies are authentic as the point breadth the amplitude avalanche to 3dB beneath the aiguille amplitude. The bandwidth is the breadth amid the top and lower absolute frequencies and is the ambit of frequencies anesthetized by the filter.

The appearance and organisation of the basilar film agency that altered frequencies bell decidedly acerb at altered credibility forth the membrance. This leads to a tonotopic organisation of the acuteness to abundance ranges forth the membrane, which can be modeled as getting an arrangement of overlapping band-pass filters accepted as "auditory filters".3 The audition filters are associated with credibility forth the basilar film and actuate the abundance selectivity of the cochlea, and accordingly the listener’s bigotry amid altered sounds.24 They are non-linear, level-dependent and the bandwidth decreases from the abject to acme of the cochlea as the affability on the basilar film changes from top to low frequency.542 The bandwidth of the audition clarify is alleged the analytical bandwidth, as aboriginal appropriate by Fletcher (1940). If a arresting and masker are presented accompanying again alone the masker frequencies falling aural the analytical bandwidth accord to appearance of the signal. The beyond the analytical bandwidth the lower the signal-to-noise arrangement (SNR) and the added the arresting is masked.

Figure 2: ERB accompanying to centre frequency. The diagram shows the ERB against centre abundance according to the blueprint of Glasberg and Moore.4

Another abstraction associated with the audition clarify is the agnate ellipsoidal bandwidth (ERB). The ERB shows the accord amid the audition filter, frequency, and the analytical bandwidth. An ERB passes the aforementioned bulk of activity as the audition clarify it corresponds to and shows how it changes with ascribe frequency.24 At low complete levels, the ERB is approximated by the afterward blueprint according to Glasberg and Moore:4

ERB = 24.7*(4.37F + 1)

Where the ERB is in Hz and F is the centre abundance in kHz.

It is anticipation that anniversary ERB is the agnate of about 0.9mm on the basilar membrane.45 The ERB can be adapted into a calibration that relates to abundance and shows the position of the audition clarify forth the basilar membrane. For example, an ERB amount of 3.36 corresponds to a abundance at the aciculate end of the basilar film admitting an ERB amount of 38.9 corresponds to the abject and a amount of 19.5 avalanche half-way amid the two.4

One clarify blazon acclimated to archetypal the audition filters is the gammatone filter. It provides a simple beeline filter, which is accordingly simple to implement, but cannot by itself annual for nonlinear aspects of the audition system; it is about acclimated in a array of models of the audition system. Variations and improvements of the gammatone archetypal of audition clarification cover the gammachirp filter, the all-pole and one-zero gammatone filters, the alternate gammatone filter, and clarify avalanche models, and assorted level-dependent and dynamically nonlinear versions of these.6

Psychoacoustic tuning curves

The shapes of audition filters are begin by assay of psychoacoustic tuning, which are graphs that appearance a subject's beginning for apprehension of a accent as a action of masker parameters.7

Psychoacoustic affability curves can be abstinent application the notched-noise method. This anatomy of altitude can yield a ample bulk of time and can yield about 30 account to acquisition anniversary masked threshold.8 In the notched-noise adjustment the accountable is presented with a alveolate babble as the masker and a sinusoid (pure tone) as the signal. Alveolate babble is acclimated as a masker to anticipate the accountable audition beats that action if a sinusoidal masker is used.5 The alveolate babble is babble with a cleft about the abundance of the arresting the accountable is aggravating to detect, and contains babble aural a assertive bandwidth. The bandwidth of the babble changes and the masked thresholds for the sinusoid are measured. The masked thresholds are affected through accompanying appearance if the arresting is played to the accountable at the aforementioned time as the masker and not after.

To get a accurate representation of the audition filters in one subject, abounding psychoacoustic affability curves charge to be affected with the arresting at altered frequencies. For anniversary psychoacoustic affability ambit getting measured, at atomic 5 but finer amid thirteen and fifteen thresholds have to be calculated, with altered cleft widths.8 Aswell a ample bulk of thresholds charge to be affected because the audition filters are asymmetrical, so thresholds should aswell be abstinent with the cleft agee to the abundance of the signal.7 Because of the abounding abstracts needed, the bulk of time bare to acquisition the appearance of a person's audition filters is actual long. To abate the bulk of time needed, the ascendance adjustment can be acclimated if award the masked thresholds. If the ascendance adjustment is acclimated to account the beginning the time bare to account the appearance of the clarify is bargain dramatically, as it takes about two account to account the threshold.8 This is because the beginning is recorded is if the accountable aboriginal hears the tone, instead of if they acknowledge to a assertive bang akin a assertive allotment of the time.

Anatomy and physiology of the basilar membrane

The animal ear is fabricated up of three areas: the outer, average and close ear. Aural the close ear sits the cochlea. The cochlea is a snail-shaped accumulation that enables complete manual via a sensorineural route, rather than through a conductive pathway.9 The cochlea is a circuitous structure, consisting of three layers of fluid. The scala vestibuli and scala media are afar by Reissner’s Film admitting the scala media and scala tympani are disconnected by the basilar membrane.9 The diagram beneath illustrates the circuitous blueprint of the compartments and their divisions:2

Cross-section through the cochlea, assuming the altered compartments (as declared above)

The basilar membrance widens as it progresses from abject to apex. Therefore, the abject (the thinnest part) has a greater acerbity than the apex.2 This agency that the amplitude of a complete beachcomber travelling through the basilar film varies as it campaign through the cochlea.9 If a beating is agitated through the cochlea, the aqueous aural the three compartments causes the basilar film to acknowledge in a wave-like manner. This beachcomber is referred to as a 'travelling wave'; this appellation agency that the basilar film does not artlessly beat as one assemblage from the abject appear the apex.

When a complete is presented to the animal ear, the time taken for the beachcomber to biking through the cochlea is alone 5 milliseconds.9

When low-frequency travelling after-effects canyon through the cochlea, the beachcomber increases in amplitude gradually, again decays about immediately. The adjustment of beating on the cochlea depends aloft the abundance of the presented stimuli. For example, lower frequencies mostly activate the apex, in allegory to college frequencies, which activate the abject of the cochlea. This aspect of the analysis of the basilar film can be illustrated in the anatomy of a place–frequency map:10

Simplified schematic of the basilar membrane, assuming the change in appropriate abundance from abject to apex

The basilar film supports the agency of Corti, which sits aural the scala media.2 The agency of Corti comprises both alien and close hair cells. There are about amid 15,000 and 16,000 of these hair beef in one ear.9 Alien hair beef accept stereocilia bulging appear the tectorial membrane, which sits aloft the agency of Corti. Stereocilia acknowledge to movement of the tectorial film if a complete causes beating through the cochlea. If this occurs, the stereocilia abstracted and a approach is formed that allows actinic processes to yield place. Eventually the arresting alcove the eighth nerve, followed by processing in the brain.9

Relationship to masking

Auditory filters are carefully associated with appearance in the way they are abstinent and aswell the way they plan in the audition system. As declared ahead the analytical bandwidth of the clarify increases in admeasurement with accretion frequency, forth with this the clarify becomes added absurd with accretion level.

Asymmetry of the audition filter. The diagram shows the accretion aberration of the audition clarify with accretion ascribe level. The accent filters appearance the appearance for 90dB ascribe akin (pink) and a 20dB ascribe akin (green). Diagram acclimatized from Moore and Glasberg,11 which showed angled (roex) clarify shapes.

These two backdrop of the audition clarify are anticipation to accord to the advancement advance of masking, that is low frequencies affectation top frequencies bigger than the reverse. As accretion the akin makes the low abundance abruptness shallower, by accretion its amplitude, low frequencies affectation top frequencies added than at a lower ascribe level.

The audition clarify can abate the furnishings of a masker if alert to a arresting in accomplishments babble application off-frequency listening. This is accessible if the centre abundance of the masker is altered from that of the signal. In a lot of situations the adviser chooses to accept ‘through’ the audition clarify that is centred on the arresting about if there is a masker present this may not be appropriate. The audition clarify centred on the arresting may aswell accommodate a ample bulk of masker causing the SNR of the clarify to be low and abbreviating the admirers adeptness to ascertain the signal. However, if the adviser listened through a hardly altered clarify that still independent a abundant bulk of arresting but beneath masker, the SNR is increased, acceptance the adviser to ascertain the signal.2

Off-frequency listening. Diagram A shows the audition clarify centred on the arresting and how some of the masker avalanche aural that filter, consistent in a low SNR. Diagram B shows a clarify added forth the basilar membrane, which is not centered on the arresting but contains a abundant bulk of that arresting and beneath masker. This about-face reduces the aftereffect of the masker by accretion the SNR. Diagram acclimatized from Gelfand (2004).2

The aboriginal diagram aloft shows the audition clarify centred on the arresting and how some of the masker avalanche aural that filter. This after-effects in a low SNR. The additional diagram shows the next clarify forth the basilar membrane, which is not centred on the arresting but contains a abundant bulk of that arresting and beneath masker. This reduces the aftereffect of the masker by accretion the SNR.

The aloft applies to the power-spectrum archetypal of masking. In accepted this archetypal relies on the audition arrangement absolute the arrangement of audition filters and allotment the clarify with the arresting at its centre or with the best SNR. Only masker that avalanche into the audition clarify contributes to appearance and the person’s beginning for audition the arresting is bent by that masker.4

Normal and impaired auditory filters

In a ‘normal’ ear the audition clarify has a appearance agnate to the one apparent below. This blueprint reflects the abundance selectivity and the affability of the basilar membrane.

The audition clarify of a "normal" cochlea

The affability of the basilar film is due to its automated structure. At the abject of the basilar film it is attenuated and annealed and is a lot of acknowledging to top frequencies. However, at the acme the film is advanced and adjustable and is a lot of acknowledging to low frequencies. Therefore, altered sections of the basilar film beat depending on the abundance of the complete and accord a best acknowledgment at that accurate frequency.

In an Broken ear, about the audition clarify has a altered appearance compared to that of a ‘normal’ ear.12

The audition clarify of an broken cochlea

The audition clarify of an broken ear is adulate and broader compared to a accustomed ear. This is because the abundance selectivity and the affability of the basilar film is bargain as the alien hair beef are damaged. When alone the alien hair beef are damaged the clarify is broader on the low abundance side. When both the alien and close hair beef are damaged the clarify is broader on both sides. This is beneath common. The adorning of the audition clarify is mainly on the low abundance ancillary of the filter. This increases susceptibility to low abundance appearance i.e. advancement advance of appearance as declared above.4